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Successful UK Visit to Dutch self build project
A trade mission visit to the largest and most innovative self build project in Europe, this week, has been widely ...

Surprise announcement could mean CILs U-turn for Self Builders
Housing Minister Grant Shapps makes 'out of the blue' announcement to look into scrapping charges
Self Build Delegation visits The Netherlands
Around 40 government and industry representatives to travel to Europe's largest self-build project
Kevin McCloud appointed Self-build industry champion
Kevin McCloud appointed by self-build industry to support national surge of interest for designing and building your own ...

All-party MP’s group calls for a significant growth in the
Influential group of MPs calls for a massive expansion of self-build housing in the UK
Housing Minister gives thumbs up to NaSBA Self Build progress
NaSBA presents 'Self Build Action Plan' progress report to Housing Minister
Building plot prices drop
Average prices of building plots across the UK have dropped by 17 per cent over the last three years, according ...

Millions of people want to do a self build project
More than half the households in the UK want to build their home. That’s the result of a survey conducted ...

Grand Design for web portal at Downing Street launch
The Self Build Portal receives its official launch at Downing Street
Latest News
Government backs self build with dedicated land and £30million fund Seven large sites have been earmarked by the Government specifically ...