Latest News

New self build plots boost for Stoke-on-Trent


Would-be self builders give their support to two new sites in The Potteries


Self builders should act quickly to avoid CIL charges


Self Builders should get in quick to avoid the Community Infrastructure Levy, says Ted Stevens, Chair of NaSBA.


Self build home completions on the rise


UK self build market shows signs of 'good health' according to new research


Self build will play vital role in housing sector growth


Self build could play major part in kick-starting construction of more homes according to a new report


New Community Right to Build fund launched


Radical new Right to Build legislation puts power in the hands of communities


Heathrow could be self build Garden City


Heathrow airport could be redeveloped as a self build Garden City with 800 homes, according to a new report by ...

Kevin McCloud challenges planners to support self build revolution


Self Build Champion calls on local authority planners to support government's custom build homes target


Group self build could be gateway to more garden cities


Group self build is ideal route to more, better quality and greener housing, according to new report


Self Build Planning workshop offers valuable advice


Government-backed workshop reinforces how positive planning plays vital role in expansion of self build


Successful UK Visit to Dutch self build project


Visit to Almere self build project in Europe heralded a success
