Latest News

New CIL charge forces self builders to cutback or scrap


One in eight self-builders say charges are so high their projects are no longer viable


Average cost of building plots drops in third quarter of


Average price of building plots has dropped over the last three months by 0.74 per cent


Relaxed Planning rules good news for home extenders


Government announces plans to relax planning laws applied to extensions


Update on HCA land earmarked for self build


More details now available on some of the seven former government land sites being released for self/custom build


Plymouth Council appeals to self builders


Call for would-be self builders to get in touch and help tackle the area’s housing shortage


Leeds self build straw bale factory flies into action


Co-housing group in Leeds prepares straw bale panels for new 'Ecovillage' homes


Mark Prisk announced as new Housing Minister


New appointment is the replacement for Grant Shapps


Carillion offers assisted build plots in North East


Major developer dips toe into self build market at development in Durham


Funding offers boost for Co-housing in Wales


Community Housing schemes in Wales set for cash injection thanks to new funding by Welsh government


Bank of England urged to support more lending to self


Chancellor urged to back self builders with low-cost bank loans through government’s Funding for Lending scheme
