Latest News

Details of the new ‘Right to Build’ initiative for self


Government sees it as being as big as Thatcher's 'Right to Buy' council houses


Housing experts agree self/custom build should play a big part


'People's Housing Manifesto' launched one year ahead of the next general Election


Industry eagerly awaits launch of National Custom & Self Build


Celebration all set to be formally launched tomorrow at Grand Designs Live


300 self build homes earmarked for South London regeneration initiative


Council-owned site set to become a community-led development project


Additional 5,000 self/custom build homes likely to be created


Opportunity for people to build their own homes in new garden cities


Around 60 councils now involved in planning or supporting more


Yorkshire MP quizzes Housing Minister on self build progress


Blue Ribbon self build winner announced


Garden plot in Surrey scoops 2014 award


Huge turn out from MPs for the inaugural meeting of


Planning Minister says he wants to see at least a quarter of all Britain's homes delivered by self/custom build


Government outlines how the Section 106 affordable housing exemption might


Government’s proposals revealed in a new Consultation document


Green light for innovative Cambridge self build project


40 families secure 'cohousing' plot through council
