Local authority registers

The results show the nearest register to where you’d like to build. The data below is based on government’s latest data compiled to 30 October 2022. Below are definitions for the results, or see the FAQs for more details.

The number of People and Groups (each group is counted as 1 person) reported by the local authority as on the register as at 30 October 2022.

This is the total number of Plots permissioned from the point when they counted towards meeting the duty under the legislation (31 October 2016) to the latest data (30 October 2022) as reported by the local authority [Note a few local authorities have reported numbers for all years]

The latest year that the duty must be met is that to 30 October 2019. Local authorities had until 30 October 2022 to permission sufficient plots. A positive number means more people had joined the register than plots have been permissioned. This means the duty may not have been met, but the full data to make this assessment is not available so this is indicative only. A large positive number may appear good but can be indicative of an authority that is overcounting the number of permissions by counting permissions that are not for custom and self-build homes.

The difference between the total numbers reported as joining the registers each year and the total numbers on the register at 30 October 2022. There are very few valid reasons why entries should be removed, so a positive number here can be a cause for challenge.

The legislation permitted local authorities to impose such a test expecting this to be in very few cases and but only when set conditions were met. Such a restriction has been too widely used and often the case for imposing it has not been met. It always results in less people joining the register.

The legislation allows for a charge to be imposed to reflect the costs of administering the register, but these charged should not act as a deterrent – yet too often this is exactly what it does. Charges can be to join or per year, depending on the authority.

Since the legislation came into force a limited number of authorities have merged. This can make it harder to monitor whether they have met their duty. Currently all authorities are showing as No, and we will update these in the future.

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