Latest News
Many more local councils championing self build
A range of initiatives proposed to make it easier for people to build their own homes
...Government needs to support self build sector for the long
Lloyds report claims finance is still a major stumbling block
...Frome Town Council keen on community self build
Local Neighbourhood Plan aims to enable more self build opportunities
...Self builders to present planning minister with radical ideas
Suggestions will be for making it easier to deliver more self build homes
...Search is on for self build home that could be
Competition unveiled as part of National Self Build Week
...Britain’s six million wannabe self builders will be the focus
The Week set to showcase ways of achieving self build dreams
...New guide published to encourage and support more self building
Document to spur public sector organisations to get behind self build schemes
...Self build plots ready to sit within Newcastle Great Park
Homes to be built by local builders - construction could start within six months
...Development company launches its first custom build schemes
Two opportunities in England lead the way with many more to come
...Leeds City Council looks for self build solutions
Local councillor wants to encourage would-be self builders to fill housing gap