12 August 2014

Applications are being invited to receive urban Community Land Trust (CLT) funding to develop housing projects – like self and custom build schemes – in cities across England and Wales.


The Urban CLT Project is a brand new programme from the National CLT Network offering 20 ‘demonstration’ urban CLT grants of up to £10,000 each. CLTs are non-profit entities that can work with people to develop and steward housing schemes.

Funding will be available to address costs such as legal fees, support with political negotiations and finding a development partner, community engagement and business planning. In addition, urban CLTs will be invited to take part in a two year programme of events and training, online peer networking and resource-banking to build up the know-how for success.

The Urban CLT Project will work with emerging CLTs in urban areas across the country at all stages of development and are particularly looking for communities representing a wide range of local economic circumstances to take part, including high-value areas, growth areas and regeneration areas.

There are certain eligibility criteria and more detailed information on what the National CLT Network will fund, and its application preferences, is available on the Urban CLT Project microsite.

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